




9 feet


Terrostone is a very large denizen with a duo-segmented crystalline body. The main segment is hollow and hexagonal with a metal rod in the center supporting the smaller top segment. Attached to the metal rod are two large shiny white eyes. The smaller segment is also hexagonal in shape and tapers to a single point on top. Terrostone has two pairs of metallic legs. One pair extends outwards from inside the primary body segment. The other pair is positioned at the bottom of its body, which are shaped like two lightning bolts.


As a post-metamorphosis denizen, Terrostone does not spawn. Instead, it will metamorphosize from Rhineshine when under the correct conditions. Terrostone is the final stage of its metamorphic line.


Terrostone are found exclusively in large caverns in Quartzworld, due to their size making smaller tunnels difficult to navigate. They are very hesitant around water and dislike getting it inside their more complex body chasm, barring them from fording all but the shallowest of puddles.


Terrostone rarely stray from their caverns of residence. They are protective of their home caverns and the other denizens that dwell within them. They have been witnessed to seemingly settle arguments between fellow denizens and provide a hiding place for denizens in the rare cases that squabbles lead to outright aggression. They are steady, reliable giants who will not let anything in their chosen caverns come to harm.