Gar-land is a dark abyss, empty except for a dense wild flower carpet over hard-packed soil. Flowering vines sprout from the ground and stretch upwards endlessly into the darkness. The vines are not visibly tethered to anything, but they are suspended in the air in a manner that would suggest this. The total lengths of the vines are unknown; Gar-land already has very low visibility and the vines extend upwards into the murky darkness and fade from view. The vines are held taut but not to such a degree that they snap or wear when pushed or pulled at. Charmers researching Gar-land have attempted to sever the vines in the past, but once a vine is nicked it begins to release a clear, unknown gas at an alarming rate. The effects of this gas are yet to be determined, so it's been decided it would be best to halt these experiements for the time being.

The flowers dotting the vines match the specimens growing on the ground. These flowers are soft and surprisingly resilient; when stepped on, they perk back up after a short time. The flowers have a subtle fluorescent effect, causing them to glow in the dark. The glow is not intense enough to illuminate their surroundings and isn't particularly noticeable, being just intense enough to keep their colors from appearing dull and desaturated in the darkness. There are also small fruit trees and shrubs, though instead of their conventional flowers, there are more of the fluorescent flowers native to Gar-land. The landscape of the zone is mostly flat, barring some valleys and gorges. The entries to the dips in the landscape are rarely steep, though occasionally cliffs can be found.