






Barrower is a denizen with a wooden appearance and a scoop-like body. It has two blocky hind legs while the front of its body tapers to two outcroppings between which a stone wheel is affixed. It has two more outcroppings at the back of its body like handles. The cavity of its body is filled with soft dirt and it has two yellow eyes, one on each side of its body.


Barrower can spawn anywhere in Gar-land that features relatively level ground. Barrower will metamorphosize into Boweden under the correct conditions. Its metamorphosis can be recognized by the absorption of its handles and wheel and the widening of its body, as well as the lightening of its color and its eyes migrating towards the front of its body.


Barrower favor locales that allow them to travel freely. Areas with sparser foliage are preferred in order to avoid vegetation getting tangled up in their wheels. They sometimes seek out slopes to coast down them at great speed.


Some smaller denizens may try to hitch a ride in a Barrower's body cavity but they are often dumped out by its rapid and jerky movements. It is unclear whether this is intentional on the Barrower's part.