




3'5", 3'8" with legs fully extended


Riffruff is a denizen with a black, sheet-like fabric body. It has a head with long, floppy ears. The rest of its body is long and floats out horizontally from below the head. It has a single eye and a mouth. It has four chains for legs. At the end of each chain is a flat, metal paw.


As a post-metamorphosis denizen, Riffruff does not spawn. Instead, it will metamorphosize from Perpup when under the correct conditions. Riffruff is the final stage of its metamorphic line.


Riffruff are well-spread throughout Chainreap and do not appear to favor any particular area of the zone over the other. Their ability to float allows for faster and more direct traversal of the zone compared to denizens that rely on the catwalks to get around.


Riffruff have a habit of suddenly appearing from out of nowhere, which typically startles Charmers that are unfamiliar with their antics. When flickering in and out of view playfully, it is almost like they are playing a kind of interdimensional peek-a-boo.